Support Us
At Burgettstown Community Library, our story is incomplete without your support. We rely on generous donations to continue providing free programs and services to our community. Whether it's a Venmo, Paypal, Facebook, check, or even good old cash, every contribution helps us write a brighter chapter for our library. So join us in this literary adventure and make a donation today. Together, we can turn the page on generosity and create a story worth sharing!
Donor Recognition Wall
The Burgettstown Community Library Donor Recognition Wall was established in 2015 as a tribute
to those financial supporters whose contributions have enabled the library to grow and to continue
to serve the communities in the municipalities of Burgettstown Borough, Jefferson Township,
Hanover Township, and Smith Township.
A local artist, Tina Mitchell, painted our entryway with a beautiful mural. Plaques are added to the mural to honor those that have made significant donations to the library over the years.

Each year, individuals making a single, substantial monetary donation to
the library shall be recognized with an engraved spine to be mounted
on a book on the Donor Wall.
Recognition will be according to the following four levels:
Emerald $1,000 - $4,999
Sapphire $5,000 - $9,999
Ruby $10,000 - $24,999
Diamond $25,000 - +